Latest News | 14 May 2024

West End stars to perform in aid of young actor’s memorial trust

Embark Federation
YMCA Derbyshire
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A trio of Marketing Derby Bondholders have teamed up to organise a spectacular musical production in aid of a trust set up in memory of young aspiring actor.

Repton School, Embark Federation and YMCA Derbyshire have come together to put on the event, in partnership with West End producer Mark Robert Petty.

Featuring several West End stars performing well known musical numbers, the show will raise money for the Lewis Sewell Memorial Trust.

The small grant making charity was established to honour the final wishes of Lewis James Sewell, an extraordinary young man who wanted to create a legacy for young aspiring actors and performers.

Before he passed away from a rare form of cancer in 2020, the 18-year-old designed a charity to help young people access auditions for theatre schools.

Today, the trust helps several young people each year.

Mark said: “I was incredibly humbled to be asked to produce last year’s concert at the Actor’s Church, Covent Garden, on behalf of the Sewell family, to honour the life of their incredible son Lewis.

“I was so moved by his story, and the fact that in his final days his wish was for a trust to be created to enable others to train in the arts.

“The evening will be a celebration of musical theatre, which he loved, and will raise money for others to follow in his footsteps.”

Matthew Crawford, trust leader at Embark Federation, said: “We are really excited to support what is going to be a spectacular evening in memory of a very special young man.

“It is wonderful to have such a high calibre of West End performers in Derbyshire and to be able to host at Repton 400 Hall Theatre, which is such a stunning venue.”

Anna Parish, deputy head at Repton School, said: “Repton School is proud to be able to support the Lewis Sewell Memorial Trust by hosting what is sure to be an amazing fundraising event.

“Our pupils in the choir are very much looking forward to honouring Lewis’ memory.

“It is a privilege to be able to facilitate such an important occasion, particularly as the trust’s values of courage, positivity and resilience align so closely to those of Repton School.”

The performance will take place at the Repton 400 Hall Theatre on 14 June, from 7.30pm to 10pm.

Tickets priced £35 can be booked by visiting .

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