Latest News | 12 May 2022

First ever holiday thanks to housing trust

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A 54-year-old former homeless man has thanked Derventio Housing Trust for providing him with his first ever holiday – which was spent at Mount Cook Adventure Centre.

Wayne Rodgers, of Alvaston, was one of a group of eight people who recently enjoyed a stay at the Matlock centre.

He was able to go on the trip through being a regular at Derventio’s Growing Lives project.

Based in Cotmanhay, the project helps people who are either residents in its housing or have been referred through alcohol and drug recovery schemes to gain confidence and valuable life skills by taking part in activities such as craft, gardening and furniture making.

Wayne has been benefiting from the services of Derventio for about 12 years, having come across the organisation when he was living on the streets.

A former scrap metal merchant, Wayne turned to drink at the time of losing his dad and his job.

He credits Derventio with helping him get things back on track and see the positives in life once again.

Wayne said: “I have three sisters and two brothers and my dad never worked, so we couldn’t afford holidays.

“The impact of this on me was amazing, and I mean amazing. It was absolutely fantastic. Sharing it with the guys at Growing Lives was like adopting a new family. There are not enough words. I enjoyed it that much I had to phone up and thank the organisers that night with tears of joy.”

So far, Derventio has taken two trips to Mount Cook using funding from a grant-making charity called Outdoors for All, which enables people to access leisure activities in the fresh air.

Sarah Ellis, funding and development manager at Derventio Housing Trust, which is based in Boyer Street, Derby, said: “Mount Cook provides an outdoor space where people can take part in physical activities that promote their teamwork and problem solving, which are important life skills.

“The centre ensures all activities are inclusive, so no-one feels left out.

“Everyone who attends, including the tutors, always gives positive feedback about how much they thoroughly enjoy it.”

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