Latest News | 14 January 2025
City homelessness organisation moves home

Derby homelessness organisation Derventio Housing Trust has announced it has moved to new headquarters in the city.
For more than 20 years, the organisation has been based in a former church in Boyer Street, when it first opened as a night shelter.
It has now moved its main base to new, purpose-built offices round the corner on the Peter Baines Industrial Estate in Woods Lane.

Since opening as a night shelter in 2002, the Boyer Street location has provided two million beds to those most in need.
Today, Derventio Housing Trust is now a thriving organisation employing around 75 people around the UK, of which 40 are based in Derby.
It helps more than a thousand people a year by providing accommodation for them when they would otherwise be at risk of being homeless.
It is currently providing housing for more than 200 people in Derby and more in wider Derbyshire.
Alongside that, the trust provides a wealth of support services to help residents get their lives back on track, including a “Growing Lives” project in Ilkeston that helps with projects like craft, woodworking, walks, gardening and companionship.
Dedicated housing and support officers visit residents regularly and help with matters such as organising GP appointments and signposting to important services providing support with drug and alcohol use.
Managing director Sarah Hernandez said: “Our former headquarters at the Glad Tidings Hall in Boyer Street have stood us in great stead since we first opened up as a night shelter in late 2002.
“But after more than 20 years we felt it was time we acquired some more modern offices for our dedicated staff as we continue our work meeting the ever-increasing demand for our services.
“It’s remarkable to think that since we opened we have provided two million bed spaces to people in need.
“A lot of us might take our homes for granted but it’s a sad reality that for many people, their housing situation is far from secure.
“We’re extremely proud that Derventio Housing Trust has provided such a valuable service over the years.
“The cost-of-living crisis isn’t going away and every day we are seeing acute need.
“People risk homelessness today as much as they did when we started and we’re very happy to have moved to more purpose-built offices offering better meeting room facilities and break out spaces for our employees to be able to carry out their jobs.”