Latest News | 23 February 2022

Young people praise Chatsworth work placement scheme

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The Devonshire Group has reported that several young people who have taken part in a work placement scheme designed to address rising youth unemployment have secured permanent roles.

The group created a number of six-month placements under the Kickstart scheme last year across the garden, catering, farmyard, textiles, collections and wider operations at its Chatsworth and Bolton Abbey Estates.

Now, several of the young people who have completed their placements have been offered permanent jobs.

Further roles are being offered to those due to complete their Kickstart placements over the coming weeks, while other candidates have successfully used the experience as a launchpad into related employment elsewhere.

The Government’s Kickstart Scheme is open to young people aged 16 to 24 who are receiving Universal Credit, and at risk of long-term unemployment.

Among those who have been taken on permanently by The Devonshire Group are collections assistants Beth Cartwright and Georgia Wilson.

Beth said: “I’ve really enjoyed my placement here at Chatsworth. I’ve learned lots about conservation and what goes into keeping a collection.

“This is something I never thought would be available to me and I’m thrilled to be staying on full time.”

Georgia said: “I have learned so much about the work that goes into running and maintaining a heritage site such as Chatsworth.

“I am delighted to now have a job as a result of my placement, allowing me to continue working in a field I love, and gain new experience.”

Over in the Chatsworth Farmyard and Adventure Playground, Josh Nicholls will be joining as an apprentice and Jordan Henshaw now has a permanent job as farmyard and adventure playground assistant.

And following a successful placement, Ella Thompson has been offered a full-time role working in sustainability.

Nathan Fairhead, talent and training coordinator at The Devonshire Group, said: “We are thrilled at the progress of our Kickstarters and the attitude they have shown to working with us.

“They have thrown themselves into their placements, becoming valued members of their teams.

“We are very excited for how their experience with us will influence their careers, especially those who will remain with us.”

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