Latest News | 28 February 2023

Dare to Dream: From Green Lane to Broadway

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Derby is home to a number of inspirational individuals – and at this year’s Annual Business Event, one of them, Nadia Jane, the principal of Nadia Jane Performing Arts, delivered the ever-popular Dare to Dream speech.

But before she did so, Nadia was joined on stage by some of her pupils, who engaged the 400-plus audience in learning a basic dance routine.

Her youngsters also treated attendees to a dazzling display of their dancing skills, performing an energetic routine, which produced a prolonged standing ovation from the audience.

It is that kind of performance that has earned the Green Lane-based dancers an invite to perform on Broadway, in New York.

In her Dare to Dream address, Nadia began by explaining the origins of Nadia Jane Performing Arts.

She said: “I actually began teaching dance as a side hustle to help pay for my own studies to become a professional dancer – 23 years later and we are still going strong.

“It started off as a little money earner – but seeing the young people day in, day out, you build relationships and get to know them.”

According to Nadia, the dance studio became a safe haven, particularly for young people, providing them with a place where they could overcome social and mental health issues.

She said: “I became a person of trust. We started our youth groups, to help some of our young people with mental health issues, such as depression – something that can start at a very young age.”

A big boost for the organisation was being recently featured on the BBC documentary series We are England, which showcased its ‘dance family’ lifestyle.

And a major fillip for the dance studio is the invitation to perform on Broadway.

In her Dare to Dream speech, Nadia told the ABE: “It is something that many professional dancers dream about but never get the opportunity.

“So, you could say that the dream of my students has already come true – but now we need to raise the money to get us there.

“My own personal dream is for Derby to have its own dedicated performing arts college. At the moment, people have to travel to other cities.”

Nadia Jane Performing Arts is now looking to raise enough funds to make the New York trip a reality.

To find out more about the organisation and to get in touch visit here.

The We are England episode featuring Nadia Jane Performing Arts is available on BBC iPlayer here .

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