Latest News | 13 March 2023

Council hails success of warm coats appeal

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Derby City Council has thanked people who donated hundreds of children’s coats to an appeal designed to help families struggling with the cost of living.

Running from November through to the end of December, the Warm Coat appeal aimed to collect and distribute winter coats to families who needed them, while encouraging people to share the coats they no longer use rather than throwing them away.

The original closing date of end November, was extended to the end of the year, due to the amount of donations still coming in.

Recent statistics from the Warm Coat appeal show that over 450 new and pre-loved coats were donated.

The donated items were given to local children’s charities, which will continue to give the coats to children in need.

Councillor Evonne Williams, the city council’s cabinet member for children, young people and skills, said: “I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated to the appeal.

“This is a difficult time for everyone, and the donated coats will make a huge difference to those who need them. I feel extremely proud to be a part of Derby.

“I encourage anyone who may need assistance with the cost of living during this time to visit the cost-of-living webpage to find useful support and advice.”

The city council has partnered with Community Action Derby and Derby Homes to create a new online hub for assistance with the cost of living.

Those who need help should visit here.

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