Latest News | 8 January 2024
Client services specialist reports record year of growth

Ford & Stanley Group is celebrating another record year of growth thanks to its employee wellbeing and environmental initiatives.
Last year, the Derby-based client services specialist achieved record business growth and high staff retention levels, resulting in a 22% year-on-year turnover increase.
The business, which provides leadership, performance coaching and mental fitness support to complement the group’s recruitment services, collectively delivered 393,000 ‘better workdays’ for customers in 2022/23.
The company’s One Million Better Workdays mission is built on the ethos that if people are recruited into a role they enjoy, they work for better leaders and feel fully supported in terms of their mental fitness, they can perform to their A-game, and help cultivate a positive workplace.

Group chairman Peter Schofield said the level of staff engagement in the company’s mission and environmental work were key drivers of the company’s continued success.
He said: “Our services are delivered by committed teams of people who care about the positive impact that they can have on other people’s lives.
“When, for example, one of our recruitment teams helps someone to enjoy better workdays through finding them a new role, they know that they are not only helping that person to enjoy seven days a week rather than dread Monday mornings, they are also planting an oak tree as part of our environmental work which will provide up to one thousand years of environmental benefit as a direct result. This is genuinely powerful stuff.”
Ford & Stanley sponsors a conservation meadow where team members are actively involved in environmental improvement work and the planting of trees as part of the company’s Tree for Every Placement initiative.
Peter said: “As we retained 100% of our post-probation recruitment teams and grew the teams overall by a further 20%, it’s evident that our people are totally engaged in what we do, how we do it and the things we collectively believe in.
“In addition to our active values, team members themselves cited personal growth and development, and a positive team culture as the three main reasons why Ford & Stanley has a leading employer brand.”