Latest News | 3 July 2023

Agent celebrates qualifications hat-trick

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Salloway Property Consultants has announced that three surveyors at its Derby office have recently achieved chartered status.

Following two years of dedication and preparation, Chris Keogh, Hugo Beresford, and William Speed have passed the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ Assessment of Professional Competence.

The trio follow in the success of managing director Stephen Salloway, who is a Fellow of RICS, with over 45 years’ experience in a variety of professional disciplines within the field of commercial and residential land and property.

Stephen said: “It was clear to me that Chris, Hugo, and Will had the qualities and skills to become chartered surveyors.

“I am hugely impressed with the effort they put into maintaining the high levels of client service their regular caseload demanded while finding the significant extra time needed to devote to their courses.

“I am delighted that their efforts and teamwork have been rewarded through qualification. Three new chartered surveyors will take our professional services to new heights.”

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