Latest News | 8 March 2022
Access and inclusivity at heart of new £42m sports village

Derby City Council has said that the forthcoming £42m Moorways Sports Village will be one of the most accessible and inclusive buildings in the city when it opens.
When planning the new complex, the city council met with members of its Community, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Hub and Derby Deaf Club.
It also received advice and guidance from its lead officers on equality and diversity and on visual impairment to make sure access was at the forefront of plans for the new building.
As a result, the complex, which is due to open this spring, has been designed with ease of access in mind, from a car park with spaces wider than usual 2.5 metres, as well as bays for blue badge holders, to a lift to all floors.
The main 50-metre swimming pool already uses the latest technology with its moveable booms and floors.
As well as a built-in lift and steps giving access into the pool, there is also a Pool Pod.
This high-tech lift was first developed for the Aquatic Centre at London 2012, to provide independent and dignified access into and out of the pool.

The complex’s teaching pool also has an i-Swim hoist, which can be moved to wherever it is needed.
The council said it was working closely with its leisure operating partner, Everyone Active, to support the provision of affordable leisure opportunities and concessionary prices at the facility.
Councillor Ross McCristal, the city council’s cabinet member for leisure, culture, tourism and wellbeing, said: “When Moorways Sports Village opens in the spring, Derby will have a leisure complex to be proud of, and making the building as accessible and inclusive as possible makes it easier for everyone to enjoy the fantastic facilities on offer.
“We’d like to thank the disabled people, with a range of impairments, who gave their time to help this project. Their contribution has been invaluable.
“We have always been clear that this public building will offer affordable leisure for everyone in the community, a commitment we share with our leisure operating partner and we’re now looking forward to seeing the complex open and busy.”
Simon Fearn, Everyone Active’s regional contract manager, said: “As opening day draws ever closer, we are so excited to welcome the public to this outstanding facility.
“Moorways Sports Village caters for all ages, abilities and interests and will be a centre for the whole community to be truly proud of.”