Latest News | 24 August 2021
Youth at risk of homelessness empowered to become leaders

Young people living at YMCA Derbyshire are developing their leadership skills in a project that sees them taking on higher responsibilities around its London Road campus.
The Power Pioneers project sees a different group of six young people given the opportunity to expand their skillset every four weeks.
Duties include helping the accommodation and maintenance teams with tasks like printing, filing, cleaning and dealing with broken items around the living space.
They are also given full responsibility for cooking and serving the evening meal for 30 residents two days a week from scratch.
56% of young people that live at YMCA Derbyshire have expressed struggling with their mental health.
The aim of the Power Pioneers project is to give them the confidence to believe they can be leaders.
At the end of the four-week stint, the Power Pioneers gain employment references, a first aid certificate and food hygiene certificate.
Samantha Morgan, YMCA Derbyshire’s supported housing manager, said: “We want to give our young people the best chance in life after they leave our supported accommodation.
“By being a part of this project, our young people have not only gained leadership experience but their confidence has grown hugely. They’ve had the opportunity to really feel valued.
“For some, it’s a way to help them move on from complex trauma as they’ll have a distraction and reason to get up in the morning. It gives them a sense of belonging that they may not have had before.”
Moving forward, YMCA Derbyshire will be continuing the programme and offering all residents the chance to sign up.
The hope is that through their newfound skills and confidence, they will go on to fulfil their potential and move to independent living and work.