Latest News | 16 June 2021

Marina proves to be the bee’s knees for attracting wildlife

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Mercia Marina has been upping its green credentials by creating new habitats for a wide range of wildlife.

Volunteers from the Mercia Nature Society have created new habitats for butterflies, ladybirds, lacewings and bees at the marina.

They have created a concealed hedgehog house, a wildlife pond, planted 60 native wildflower plants, as well as wild roses.

They have also built a small drystone wall, log pile, stones cairns and, piles of grass to encourage insects, small mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.

The society’s efforts to encourage more wildlife appear to be working as the marina recently welcomed a family of otters.

In the past, the society, supported by the marina’s grounds and maintenance team, have won a strong of awards from the David Bellamy Conservation scheme.

Rufus Bellamy, environmental adviser to the British Holiday and Home Parks Association, continues his late father Professor David Bellamy’s work.

He said: “Fantastic news from Mercia Marina about their new resident otters and nature pond.

“It just shows that hard work really does pay off – I can’t wait to see how the pond develops as it colonises with more plants and animals.”

Meanwhile, the marina is working to encourage more bees to the site. It has paid for two beehives and invested in training 12 volunteers who will be the marina’s beekeepers. If the project is successful more hives may be added in the future.

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