Latest News | 13 May 2021

Building our teams back better for workplace return

AWD Development Solutions Ltd
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As lockdown continues to ease and staff start to return to their workplaces, a panel of Marketing Derby Bondholder experts have been sharing ways to ensure a smooth transition.

For the past 12 months or so, many staff have been working from home – but now, with the pandemic seemingly in retreat, some are starting to make a return to the workplace.

However, it is not as straightforward as it sounds. The coronavirus pandemic has changed our behaviours – it has changed people and the way they view the workplace.

In the latest Talking Business Live event, a panel considered how leaders and their teams can best adapt to the changes in thinking and behaviours.

While the aim is to build back better, they shared their views on how the migration back to the workplace can be handled positively, collaboratively and professionally.

Among the panel was Andrew Deighton, from AWD Development Solutions, who gave some of his top tips in terms of building our teams back better.

He said: “Bringing people back to the office will feel like starting up a new team as everyone gets to know one another again.

“Some people may struggle to adapt back into the team working environment – particularly new starters, who may never have met their colleagues face-to-face.

“So, it is important that time is taken to reconnect and reflect, allowing the team to socialise and, if they want to, share their experiences of the last 12 months.”

Suzanne Dixon, from Kedleston Safety, shared some tips on how to make staff feel safe about coming back into the office – and compliance to Covid regulations.

She said: “Companies need to consider the physical and mental health of their workforce. We are starting to feel more physically safe, with the rollout of the vaccines, but that doesn’t stop people feeling worried about returning to the office.

“One of my top tips is to do a video and share it with the staff – so if the office has changed, they will know what it looks like.”

Steve Turner, from Mount Cook Adventure Centre, talked about the importance of rebuilding team spirit through team-building exercises such as those offered by his venue.

He said: “Socialising and making friends in the workplace helps boost productivity. Team building builds trust among the team, improving communication and morale.”

Kul Mahay, from Ignite Your Inner Potential, spoke about “emotional intelligence” and the importance of building trust, having open conversations and paying attention to results.

Finally, Rebecca Smith, from The Peachy Mind, spoke about helping staff to overcome psychological challenges.

She said: “People feel physically safer but there are still lots of psychological challenges.

“We need to accept the impact the pandemic has had on us all, show compassion – not just for others but ourselves, reassess our values and what’s important to us and have the courage to speak openly and clearly.”

To watch the full discussion please click here.

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