Latest News | 7 April 2021
Salloway’s legwork pays off

Salloway Property Consultants has secured a deal to sell premises in Derbyshire to a wholesale hosiery supplier.
Such was the demand for the unit at Clover Nook Industrial Park, at Alfreton, Salloway conducted a bidding process, with Legwear International tabling the winning offer.
Salloway’s Hugo Beresford, who brokered the deal on behalf of a private client, said: “I told my client I was confident that we would drum up a lot of interest for the property and I was not disappointed.
“As soon as our marketing went live there was a flurry of interest and 16 potential buyers viewed the property in quick succession.
“It took just 18 days to conclude the sale agreement. The fairest and most equitable way to arrange a private treaty sale where there is such a high level of interest is through an informal bidding process.
“It gives all the interested parties an opportunity to put their best foot forward and enables the client to make an informed judgement based upon all the terms submitted.”