Latest News | 20 April 2021

Timms turns to university graduate for Ram Trail design

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Timms Solicitors has expanded its relationship with the University of Derby by teaming up with a former graduate as part of The Derby Ram Trail.

Timms is one of a number of Marketing Derby Bondholders sponsoring one of the ram sculptures, which will create a walking tour of the city centre this summer.

Rescheduled from last summer, The Derby Ram Trail is being brought to the city by Derby Museums, in partnership with Wild in Art.

The public art sculpture event, which takes place from 27 May to 22 August, will feature 30 individually painted 5ft tall rams, threading through the city centre.

Timms, whose relationship with the University of Derby includes sponsoring its Network of Entrepreneurs initiative, has chosen its design, which has been created by Derbyshire-based fine artist and teacher Stephanie Coley.

Since graduating in 2001, she has exhibited and sold her artwork throughout the UK.

She has drawn on the famous ‘Orrery’ painting by Joseph Wright of Derby for her design.

Stephanie said: “I remember as a teenager visiting Derby Museum and Art Gallery where I stumbled upon the Joseph Wright Collection and was particularly fascinated by the Orrery.

“The painting really captured my imagination and I always make a point of returning to see it and the rest of the collection in the gallery whenever I am near the museum.

“This was, therefore, the natural inspiration for my design and I hope, more than anything, that visitors to The Derby Ram Trail will be equally as inspired to also visit the museum and the Joseph Wright Gallery to see these incredible paintings for themselves.”

Stephanie started painting in her late teens and eventually went to university aged 29.

She mainly specialises in portraiture mixed media collage art and pen and ink drawing and was keen to get involved in The Derby Ram Trail having been involved in a similar project in Liverpool a decade ago.

She said: “As a local artist, I very much wanted to be involved in this city-based trail, which will be just the boost that we all need after such a difficult year.”

Fiona Moffat, managing partner at Timms, said: “We have had a long association with the University of Derby, so we were particularly delighted to be introduced to Stephanie and her work on the sculpture is simply awe-inspiring.

“As a law firm that has been rooted in the city and surrounding area for more than 125 years, we are proud to be supporting the local community where our staff and clients live and work.

“Similar sculpture trails have increased community engagement, boosted footfall, increased civic pride and stimulated the local economy.

“As well as sponsoring our own ram, we are therefore looking forward to engaging with all the other businesses across the Cathedral Quarter to maximise the impact that the trail will have on the historic and cultural heart of the city centre.”

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