Latest News | 16 March 2021
Giant photo mosaic marks FORMAT21 launch

A giant photo mosaic has been unveiled on the outside of Derby’s QUAD building to mark the start of the FORMAT21 International Photography Festival.
Created and produced by The People's Picture for FORMAT21, the photo mosaic, which has been wrapped around the Market Place venue, is composed of a total of 180,574 photos from the exhibition #massisolationFORMAT.
The images came from a wide range of people – photographers, professionals, amateurs, members of the public.
The focus image, called Lovers, was shot by Argentinian photographers Luisa Magdalena and Nahuel Alfonso and was inspired by Renè Magritte’s painting Les Amants.
FORMAT director Louise Fedotov Clements said: “Lovers was selected to be the focal point to unite the huge selection of images, encapsulating the feeling of hope that so many of us have clung to over the past year and gives us a glimpse into the intimacy, friendship, laughter and love that is awaiting us as we begin to exit the pandemic.”
FORMAT21: Control will continue in Derby and online until Sunday, 11 April. For more information visit