Latest News | 5 January 2021
Businesses back Derby’s future fuels tech vision

Derby City Council has said it is delighted with the support it is receiving from the business community towards its ambition to make Derby the UK’s leading centre for future fuels technology.
Back in October, the city council announced it wanted to use Derby’s advanced manufacturing expertise to revolutionise the way low-carbon energy is used to power businesses, transport and homes.
It believes Derby’s high-tech businesses are ideally placed to develop the equipment and infrastructure that will allow communities to generate low-carbon power and to capture and store by-product or waste energy.
They say the plan will create new jobs, reduce energy costs for domestic and commercial customers, assist with UK energy security and help with diversification of the economy and decarbonisation goals.
Since the announcement, more than 80 companies and organisations have come forward and are now working with the city council to develop its thinking.
Arup, a global firm of designers, planners, engineers, architects, consultants and technical specialists, has been commissioned to conduct a study into the potential of hydrogen as part of the future fuel landscape in the region.
It has carried out workshops with local stakeholders to assess the opportunities for hydrogen production, storage and transfer to unlock new and existing sites in the area.
Councillor Chris Poulter, leader of Derby City Council, said: “Derby already has the research, development and manufacturing skills to make and deliver market-ready products for the integration of future fuels into an energy system.
“It has been deeply rewarding to receive so much interest from potential partners to help move this exciting initiative forward.
“Our ambition is for Derby to showcase future developments in transport, commercial and domestic energy systems, maximising local low-carbon power generation, capturing and using by-product energy and reducing energy waste.
“The support we have received so far gives us great hope that these ambitions can be realised.”
Arup has been leading work on the potential for hydrogen to contribute to the decarbonisation of Derby and the wider D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership Area.
Vicky Evans, Arup’s project director, said: “Over the past month, we have enjoyed curating several inspiring conversations with Derby City Council and regional stakeholders, who are aligning to collaborate and reap the potential benefits of a low carbon and hydrogen economy.
“We have had over 80 stakeholders engage with us over the past month, including Toyota, Uniper, Cadent, ITM Power, D2N2 LEP, as well as our world class universities.”
“I look forward to working with Derby City Council and stakeholders on the next steps, which includes identification and assessment of potential projects and a clear roadmap to help bring these to fruition.”