Latest News | 21 January 2021
Rhodes to back Derbyshire's vulnerable young people

Rhodes Wealth Management has announced it has chosen YMCA Derbyshire as its partner charity for 2021.
The firm is to offer its new clients the option of making a donation to help vulnerable young people on their behalf.
They will be given the choice of whether the money goes towards a new home pack for a previously homeless young person, a food parcel, health and wellbeing session or clothing for a job interview.
A new home pack is for young people who are ready to move out of the YMCA campus, in London Road, Derby, and into their own flat.
It includes essential items such as a toaster, microwave, pots and pans, plates, cutlery.
Food parcels are for young people who have just moved on the YMCA’s campus and includes non-perishable items such as tinned fruit, pasta, rice, and biscuits.
The parcel ensures they can settle in without the stress of having to find food during their first few days in their new environment.
In addition, food parcels are provided to YMCA residents who may find it difficult to shop due to mental health issues or health problems.
Several health-and-wellbeing sessions are held throughout each week to keep YMCA’s young people engaged and avoid feelings of social isolation.
These sessions offer a chance to get together with like-minded people and learn a new skill or simply talk and gain support.
The most widely-used health and wellbeing activity is held at YMCA’s allotment, where young people help to grow fresh produce.
The YMCA also assists young people who have regained enough confidence to apply for a job.
Many do not have access to interview clothes to ensure they make a good first impression, so some of the donation will go towards helping them look smart.
Adam Rhodes, from Rhodes Wealth Management, said: “We think YMCA Derbyshire does a brilliant job in providing help for young people who find themselves at their lowest ebb for many different reasons and then helps them back on their feet.
“This has been particularly important during 2020 when Covid-19 has left them isolated and even more vulnerable.
“We were very keen to partner with an organisation that is both close to home and whose ethos is close to our hearts.”
Gillian Sewell, YMCA Derbyshire’s chief executive, said: “We are delighted that Rhodes Wealth Management has decided to work with us in supporting our young people.
“This type of donation really does make a huge difference and not only helps young people feel supported and valued at a time of intense need – it gives them a foundation towards a positive future.
“Organisations such as YMCA Derbyshire need business support more than ever, so if anyone wants to follow Rhodes Wealth Management’s lead, we would love to hear from you.”