Latest News | 23 June 2020
Breakfast appeal to Bondholders

Inspired by the work of England footballer Marcus Rashford, Bondholder Oberoi Consulting has renewed its Breakfast Club campaign.
Businesses are being urged to support the Derby Breakfast Club, a charity led by Kavita Oberoi which has helped thousands of local schoolchildren as it provides breakfasts at 17 schools in the city, funded entirely through contributions from the business community.
Triggered by Marcus Rashford, who inspired the Government to agree to fund free school meals for children during this year's summer holidays after recounting his own experience of going hungry in his early years, Kavita Oberoi, founder of Oberoi Consulting, has re-invigorated the campaign.
Kavita said: “A young woman visited me a while ago to say how clubs like Breakfast Club had changed her life when she was growing up. She and her two siblings were pretty much fending for themselves and the only food they were receiving was at school. Her words really hit home about how important this issue of food and potential starvation is for many children.
“Because of the financial difficulties caused to families by the COVID crisis, more young people will be going hungry. Children are going to be back in class in September and we want to extend the offering to more schools and more children within the current schools.
“I know everyone is under pressure currently but we have some businesses that are thriving in the current climate. Working with the charity HIS Church the cost of feeding one child for an entire school year is jut £15.”
“It would be great if businesses could pledge to support either a school or support a handful of children or even one, it would make a difference. I would ask all Marketing Derby Bondholders to contact me and take part.”