Latest News | 22 April 2020

Keep Derby Talking

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Bondholder AV IT Media has brought businesses across Derbyshire together in a video message of hope and solidarity amidst the COVID-19 lockdown.

Ash Stanley and Mark Averill

Ash Stanley and Mark Averill

The inspirational video, inspired by ITV’s ‘Get Britain Talking’ campaign and entitled ‘Keep Derby Talking’, features dozens of local businesses, entrepreneurs, charity organisations and prominent figures from within Derby’s professional community, and Marketing Derby's very own Managing Director, John Forkin, and Commercial Development Manager, Lindsey Hatfield.

In addition to sharing messages of encouragement and hope from their homes in lockdown, words of praise have also been given to critical workers and NHS staff up and down the country.

Speaking about the initiative, Mark Averill and Ash Stanley, both Directors at AV IT Media, stated: “We wanted to bring the Derby business community back together again virtually, and give the message that we are all in this together.

“It’s a difficult time for any business at the moment, and we know Derby will come out bigger, better and stronger. But we can only weather this storm so long as we look out for one another. That’s why it’s so important we stay connected.”

They added: “We’re incredibly proud of the people putting their lives on the frontline each and every day. The best way we can show our gratitude right now is to stay isolated but keep talking.

“We’re extremely thankful to everybody who made this video happen, it really captures the tremendously positive and collaborative spirit of Derby’s business community. Now we want to spread that message further and share the video far and wide — using the hashtag #KeepDerbyTalking — to show everyone how our city pulls together.”


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