Latest News | 5 April 2016
Top marks this year for Derby College

Bondholder Derby College has been praised by Ofsted as 'a valued resource for the city of Derby and the county of Derbyshire' following a recent inspection.
The college was judged as 'Outstanding' for its work with employers to design and deliver the curriculum as well as the success of its employer academies. Also receiving an 'Outstanding' accolade was the quality of work with high needs learners.
Mandie Stravino, Chief Executive of Derby College, said: “This excellent Ofsted report is good news not just for Derby College as an organisation but for the wider city and county that we support.”
Derby College is the 13th largest college in England and served around 25,500 learners of all ages. The college provides a range of courses for all levels through to higher education.
A-level pass rates at Derby College are at an impressive 98% and the success rate of its apprentices is at 76% – above the national average of 70%.
But its amazing provision for students is just one side of the story. The college works with around 2,700 employers in Derby and Derbyshire supporting workforce skills development, including apprenticeships. And, despite the constant funding challenges from central government, Derby College has a good financial position as a result of its diverse and flexible offer.
Derby College itself employs a staff of 1,362.
Mandie Stravino, Chief Executive of Derby College, said: “We are particularly delighted that this year has seen dramatic progress in our priority area for action: improving the quality of our teaching and learning. Our learners' success is testament to these endeavours, in many cases propelling us above the average results both for national providers and other East Midlands colleges for the first time in our recent history.”
“This excellent Ofsted report is good news not just for Derby College as an organisation but for the wider city and county that we support,”