Nuclear AMRC
The Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre helps UK companies win work across the nuclear sector – in new build, operations, and decommissioning – and in other high-value manufacturing industries. Our facilities and services are open to all.
We are led by our industrial members, but companies don’t have to be members to take advantage of our capabilities and expertise. Our manufacturing innovation capabilities and supply chain development services are open to all UK manufacturers, from specialist SMEs to top-tier OEMs.
Our engineers and sector specialists work with companies to develop innovative techniques and optimised processes for large-scale high-precision manufacturing. You can use our state-of-the-art workshops to develop and test new processes on production-scale machines, without losing capacity in your own factory.
We also provide a range of supply chain development support to help manufacturers enter the nuclear market and compete worldwide. The Fit For Nuclear programme is a unique diagnostic tool which lets you measure your operations against industry requirements, with continuing support to help you close any gaps.
We are part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, an alliance of seven leading manufacturing research centres backed by Innovate UK. This allows us to tap into a national network of manufacturing research excellence – if a particular technology falls outside our areas of expertise, we can call on our Catapult partners for the support you need for your challenge.
Derby is a hotbed for manufacturing with Rolls-Royce, Toyota, Bombardier, JCB not too far away, so it stands to reason that we ought to be in the city of Derby for advanced manufacturing R&D.
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Lindsey Hatfield
Commercial Development Manager